Music And Silence, HOME Manchester September 2023-January 2024
Music and Silence multi-screen moving image installation focuses on Manchester Central Library and the Music Academy
in Łódź, Poland, two post-industrial cities known for their textile trades. Exploring the relationship between sound, absence and trauma, the work pairs these two impressive architectural structures, one representing silence and the other music. Through the act of listening, remembering and repetition, the artist orchestrates a call and response dialogue between two performers.
HOME has invited Turner Prize winning artist Lubaina Himid CBE to curate A Fine Toothed Combusing her artistic practice as a starting point. Himid, along with 3 others, Magda Stawarska, Rebecca Chesney and Tracy Hill show their work for the first time together after many years
of developing their practices in close proximity. Through painting on found objects, multi-screen moving image, sitespecific drawing and sound compositions, the exhibition explores the artists’ converging and diverging practices, and investigative attempts to turn narratives of the city inside out.
The title conjures a sense of looking, meticulous searching and exploring what it means to really know a place, both familiar and unknown. Himid and Stawarska’s works explore the passage of time, presence and absence, identity and belonging. Himid’s exquisitely painted objects, a domestic door, drawers, a fire brigade cart and hand painted signs are positioned incidentally throughout the exhibition.
They depict the faces of those in temporary living situations forced to the margins of the city, othered by race or socio-economic status. Other objects are painted in vibrant pattern or woven with strips of Dutch wax fabric representing a language of exchange, subliminal political message, revelation or strategies for reconciliation.